Intuitive Therapy
2653 Tarna Dr, Dallas, Texas 75229
Ph: 972-807-3783,
I like for my patients to take control of their own healing. I want them to understand how powerful their minds and bodies really are, and how each organ and symptom is part of a larger system. Healing chronic and intractable ailments takes a certain level of sensitivity, which I’ve honed in order to treat stubborn conditions with gentle methods. Call or text 972-807-3783 to book an appointment today!

Therapeutic Massage
We all know the benefits of a massage. But, not to brag... my massages are different. My goal is to locate the source and work that area by using a variety of my modalities in order to get those knots, tension and restrictions to release. When the muscles contract we experience that pain and stiffness. This indicates that the muscle is a little overwhelmed, and needs some help to release.
Here are some common symptoms:
Stiff neck, tennis elbow, tight muscles, upper/lower back pain, frozen shoulder, knee pain, headaches, migraines, etc. These types of discomfort can get worked out. I work with the muscles and the meridians that are associated in the area of discomfort to clear the restriction/blockage by using specific techniques like long/short strokes, friction, vibration, cupping etc.
By lessening the tension in your muscles, massage can help you overcome a number of stress related health issues including insomnia, fatigue and lack of focus. Massage reduces the stiffness in your muscles and joints that will help with flexibility and mobility. It can decrease the stress hormones while increasing serotonin and dopamine (the feel good brain chemicals) which can have a positive effect on people with depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The Therapeutic part in my massage is primarily a way to let my patients know that this is a "Massage for Health", and to indicate that this massage is not just a relaxation massage and perhaps deal with long term or chronic issues.
But... I also give an amazing Swedish Massage if you just need to come and unwind from that stressful week.

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a light touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. This hands on technique works with the soft tissue structures of the body and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance.
One endures stresses and strains and your body absorbs them. But your body can only handle so much tension before the tissues begin to tighten and potentially affect the brain and spinal cord. Unfortunately, this can compromise the function of the central nervous system and nearly every other system in your body.
CST releases those tensions to allow the entire body to relax and self correct. Using a gentle touch starting with about the weight of a nickel, I evaluate your internal environment. Then I use distinctive light touch techniques to release any restrictions that I find.
By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best. CST naturally eliminates pain and stress, strengthens your resistance to disease and enhances your health and well-being. Because it is so gentle, CST can be effective for all ages, from newborns to elderly.
What Can You Expect From a Session?
A typical CranioSacral Therapy session takes place in a quiet, private setting. You remain fully clothed as you relax on a comfortable, padded table. The Therapist begins by gently touching variuos parts of your head and body to monitor the rhythm of the fluid that is flowing around your central nervous system. By carefully listening with the hands to locate areas of weak fluid flow or tissue motion, your practitioner can trace those areas of weakness through the body to the original source of dysfunction. Delicate manual techniques are then used to release those problem areas, and improve the form and function of your central nervous system.
It has been shown to help a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunction, including:
Migraines and Headaches Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Frozen Shoulder Knee Pain
Muscle Strian Stress and Tension related disorders
Insomnia Motor-Coordination Impairment
Infant and Childhood Disorders Spinal Cord Injuries
Post-Concussion Symptoms Chronic Fatigue
Fibromyalgia TMJ Syndrome
Scoliosis Central Nervous System Disorders
Learning Disabilities ADD/ADHA
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD Orthopedic Problems
Chronic Neck and Back Pain and many other conditions

N.A.E.T. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques
NAET is an innovative solution for allergies that is completely natural, painless and non-invasive. This is a truly revolutionary solution that provides relief from adverse reactions to new allergens and empowers the individual to live a better life in our modern world. NAET allows the body to regain perfect balance (homestasis) and function normally to reach optimum health.
An individual can be allergic to anything: foods, drinks, pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, vitamins, drinking water, clothing, jewelry, chemicals, paint, silicone, latex, plastics, pollen, grasses, etc. Allergy symptoms can range from mild to debilitating reactions, to life threatening illnesses.
Allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of a person to one or more substances which may be harmless to the majority of other individuals. In the allergic person, the allergic substance (known as allergy) is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body's well being. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways called meridians, disrupting through the body's electrical circuits.
How Does NAET Work?
NAET is a synthesis of various medical disciplines such as allopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, and nutrition. Nambudripad's testing techniques utilizes Neuromuscular Sensitivity Testing (NST) which indicates the kinetic imbalance in the body caused by allergens. The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. After the treatment, a strong NST indicates that the allergy has been removed. Specific acupressure points are then massaged or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabilize the treatment. The substance must then be completely avoided for 25 hours following the treatment for the best results. Allergens are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence.

Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
This technique is preformed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into proper alignment, there by improving the flow of blood, lymph, nerves and chi in the body. Arvigo Therapy is based on ancient Mayan techniques of abdominal massage that have been practiced by traditional healers for thousands of years in the therapeutic treatment of the reproductive, digestive, and urinary systems. This also addresses and releases emotional and energetic tension from the abdomen.
Arvigo Therapy works to remove the obstructions and deterrents to the body's own healing forces. By alleviating congestion in the abdomen and pelvis and returning organs to their proper place, the vital flow of fluids and energy to nourish and repair the organs and systems begin to naturally occur.
What are the benefits?
Arvigo Therapy is best know for the correction of the prolapsed, fallen or tilted uterus; for the prevention and treatment of benign prostate enlargement; and for the relief of many common digestive disorders, though its beneficial application are far reaching, it can also be a great ally throughout the spectrum of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care.
Some Conditions and Symptoms that may be helped by Arvigo Therapy
​Displaced or Prolapsed Uterus Frequent Urination and Incontinence
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods) IBS
Pain with Ovulation Crohn's Disease
Headaches and Migraines with Menstration Indigestion
PMS Constipation
Irregular Menstrual Cycles Diarrhea
Recurrent Bladder or Yeast Infections Gastritis
Uterine Fibroids GERD (Heart Burn)
Ovarian Cyst Leaky Gut Syndrome
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Vomitting After Meals
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Muscular Tension
Endometriosis Depleted Energy and Fatigue
Infertility Mild Depression
Miscarrage Varicose Viens

Reflexology Benefits
Reflexology is an alternative medical practice involving the application of gentle pressure to specific points along the feet, ears, and hands to help you feel better. It provides an incredible way to relax, de-stress and release all those built up tension and toxins that can lead to many discomforts like:
Insomnia Migraines Sinus problems
Hormonal imbalances. Breathing disorders Digestive irregularities
Circulatory and back problems Increases circulation Boosts immunity Improves nerve function Heals Plantar Fasciitis Deeply relaxes Heals pregnancy symptoms Reduces anxiety and depression Relieves foot pain Improves liver function Increases energy Detoxifies Reduces PMS symptoms Improves sleep Better emotional equilibrium Faster recovery from injuries & surgeries Reduces ankle and foot swelling including edema
About Lydia....
The passion in her work

I am the Therapist that listens to you and your body with my heart and my hands. My passion is to help give comfort to my patients in any way possible, to find the core of the problem, and not just cover it up. My goal is your goal, to do my best and get you where you want to be. It is very important that my patients understand how the body works and how the things we go through in life can easily effect our bodies, and that with time this can create pain, discomfort or illness. I take my work serious, I explain how my treatments work and how it can help.
I started at Metta Oriental Medicine back in 2010, I was the front desk receptionist. While working here I received treatments myself, Acupuncture, NAET, Massage, and Trigger Point Therapy, I could notice and feel the difference... the changes. How some of my pain was allergy related. This made me curious and I wanted to learn more.
I decided to go to Massage Therapy school to learn more about the body, muscles, its structure, and how it all works. I wanted to be able to give patients the same benefits I myself had received. In 2012 I started massage school, and found out very quickly that at my age, after several decades of not being in school... it was not easy. I had to teach myself how to focus and study all over again. I will be honest, there were a couple of times I wanted to quit. But... I could not quit I want this! I was determined to do it... and I did.
After massage school it seemed that there is always something new to learn. If there is a modality that my patients can benefit from, I am going to learn it. Soon after receiving my massage license I was introduced to Cranioscaral Therapy by another Therapist. After receiving a treatment...I found that this is something I must also do. Since then I have taken 6 courses of Craniosacral Therapy. In 2016 I heard about the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and its benefits for fertility and digestive disorders, I believed that this is also something that my patients could benefit from so there I go again. Later that same year I was informed that massage therapist were able to take the N.A.E.T course, and due to my own successful experience, I without a doubt also took this course.
I offer a variety of treatments as you can see from the list above, lets get to creating a treatment plan that will work for you. Look forward in meeting you.
Thank you
God Bless